By the way, I am Patricia May Cruz. An introvert and for that, loves to be in small groups of people. I am stressed out in public and exhausted in crowd. Despite that, she survived debate and half-loved it. She got her highest grade in English in her course, oral communication and is willing to immerse herself more in learning socially.Smiley

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

I have put Petroleum jelly all over my face, neck, and legs all day. I am desperate to let my scars be gone, I want them to be totally gone.

I remember when someone close, attracts him by wearing a daring dress. She succeeded. I caught him looking at her, amazed with her beauty. I envy the way he look at her. It’s like she is the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen.

It’s like if only he had met her first, then everything will be in place.
I am actually, firing up in jealousy but I just can’t show it. Worst, I can’t do anything about it. I mean, I don’t have the looks that met his “standards”. He had just do the courting maybe because of the way I treated him, and nothing else.

Attitude, at least, I had it. But I don’t think I could be patient all the time. I also, like anyone else, burst out. I hope he’ll not leave me for that.

Crying, it’s the only way to release all the frustration in me. 

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