By the way, I am Patricia May Cruz. An introvert and for that, loves to be in small groups of people. I am stressed out in public and exhausted in crowd. Despite that, she survived debate and half-loved it. She got her highest grade in English in her course, oral communication and is willing to immerse herself more in learning socially.Smiley

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Central Cafe

Unlike any other nights, last night was an outdoor one. We ate at Central Cafe, a Filipino Restaurant so I had expected a lot. Though, my taste buds weren’t that satisfied, I understand the time and the staffs’ level of exhaustion.
Because I am good at photography, here is a cut version of the front of the store. HAHA!

“Sinigang na baka” for my sister and I, Halo-halo for my mom and Pancit mix for my dad. We also took an extra order for breakfast tomorrow- beef broccoli.

Order taker
I didn’t know Kenny Rogers is a singer. The name is familiar only if associated with food, chicken especially. I asked my mom and she told me that he is an entrepreneur and a singer, too. She added that when you get to eat at Kenny Roger’s Roasters, it is his songs that are played. I also knew that he is one of the favorites of my dad.

After dinner, we went straight to a laundry shop for our huge comforter. Someone phone called my dad then we went to that somebody’s house and got some things that were inside a plastic. We then went home.