By the way, I am Patricia May Cruz. An introvert and for that, loves to be in small groups of people. I am stressed out in public and exhausted in crowd. Despite that, she survived debate and half-loved it. She got her highest grade in English in her course, oral communication and is willing to immerse herself more in learning socially.Smiley

Saturday 21 May 2011


While waiting for my glasses, we searched for a place to sit and all we found was a food chain. We bought two fries for ten riyals, even though our stomachs were so full because of eating fellowship, I mean, mini fiesta after worship service.

The Nepali waiter has been talking to me in Tagalog. The diction was sort of funny but he is such a clever for speaking Tagalog fluently. I wasn’t able to ask how he had learnt our native tongue.

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